Monday 27 May 2013

Logo Analysis

First Logo, 1976-1976
The first apple logo features Isaac Newton under an apple tree; it wasn't used for very long because of the way it didn't look like the kind of logo you’d expect from a computing company. It is using the Isaac Newton scene because it features the apple and a person that at the time ‘thought different.’ ‘Think different’ is the Apple company slogan.

Second logo, 1976-1998
This is the first one with the still used half eaten outline. This one features a rainbow colour scheme. The bite could have represented a play on words as byte/bite because a byte is a unit of digital information. The colours are in no particular order apart from the green at the top because green is the colour of the leaf.

Third Logo, 1998-present
This logo maintains the Apple outline used in the second one but has a colour change and is given a third dimension.  The logo is colourized grey and is made to look almost clear and glassy, but it still can look metallic. The logo also is looks like it’s popping out of the media.


Microsoft Windows.

First Logo, 1985-1991
The first logo Microsoft used for Windows was extremely different to the rest of the Windows logos, it still represents actual windows like the ones used in a house but they are different sizes and they are the same colour of a light blue, like glass is sometimes represented as a light blue. The beams between the panes of glass are white and blend with the background.

Second logos, 1992-2000
The second logo is quite different from the first one, it has multi-coloured window panes and darker outlines for the beams between the window panes.  It also has a wavy effect.  And a particle trail.

Third Logo, 2001-2011
The third logo used by Microsoft Windows is similar to the second one in the way that it has the four different colours in each pane. It has the beams removed from the “windows” and just looks like four different floating squares. They are quite curved in varying ways for each pane.  There are two more variations on this logo, the second variation has a navy blue circle around it and the third variation is almost the same as the first apart from it seems to have a spotlight centred in the middle.

Fourth Logo, 2012 – Present

The fourth Microsoft Windows logo is very similar to the first logo, it has the same colour scheme as all the window panes are a light blue colour to make the panes look more “glass like.” The logo is also quite unbalanced because the logo as a hole appear s to go back to a focal point making the logo smaller on one side.



First Logo and Second Logo 1952-1991
The first KFC logo is spelt out in full as “Kentucky Fried Chicken” with the famous Colonel Sanders face logo. It uses a very 1950’s looking font which is why the second logo is pretty much just an updated font and the face has been relocated.

Third Logo 1991-1996
The third logo used by KFC has the Kentucky Fried Chicken abbreviated to KFC and is now using the red and blue colours KFC typically uses. It still keeps the Colonel Sanders face in the same position as the other two but now uses blue instead of black as the outline.

Fourth Logo - Present

The Colonel Sanders face has been altered slightly, to make him face a different direction and is reverted back to black outlines for the face, he also now is wearing an apron.  The colour blue has been removed completely and there are no words left either because of how famous the face has become.   


First Logo
The first logo of Starbucks has a mermaid in the middle of a brown circle with the words “Starbucks – Coffee – Tea – Spices. They sold these before they became a coffee enterprise. They probably used brown because that is typical the colour of coffee and tea.

Second logo
The original words of “Starbucks – Coffee – Tea – Spices” have just been replaced with Starbucks – Coffee. The outside circle is green and the inside picture is white on a brown background. The mermaid has also been changed from a detailed picture to a more simplified mermaid.

Third Logo
The third logo is almost completely the same as the second logo but the mermaid has been zoomed in on so the majority has been cut.

Fourth logo
They have completely removed any writing from the logo and the outside logo. The logo is still circular. The mermaid background has also been changed to green and been increased in size. The reason they probably removed the words is because the logo is well recognized anyway.

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